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About Me

A bit about me...

I do NOT have a Home Base! I'm a Traveling Companion! Please watch my Calendar/Travel Updates for More Info!

I am an attractive, college educated, happy and drama free passionate blonde, who has a zest for life.  I enjoy having conversations with other intelligent and like minded individuals.  I find that great conversation stimulates both the mind and other parts of one's anatomy.


I love people watching and having a good laugh with a fun person.  I enjoy being out for a night on the town with great food, seeing shows and other entertainment, both professional and amateur.  I also enjoy exploring other towns and parts of this country and beyond.  I can be the corporate date in public or the naughtier partner who accidentally lets others catch a glimpse of usually hidden gems.  I guess I would say my playful side loves to come out when requested. I am very open minded but very respectful of others' desires and limits.

I enjoy sitting by a pool, attending sporting events, working out, other outdoor and indoor activities and when given the chance, a nude beach or resort is always fun.

If you are looking for a self-assured woman versus a young lady, you need look no further.  I have been described as the sexy soccer mom who will take you on a heavenly experience you will not soon forget.  I am uninhibited and open-minded about life and you will find yourself immersed in waves of desire which will take your breath away.

There is much more to Heather and I am an open book but I feel discovering her in person is always best.


I encourage you to read my reviews to see what others have said about me...but the fun begins when we write our own story together.  I'm down to earth, friendly and a huge giggler.  I love to laugh.

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